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Business Executive Coaching

Podcast #32: Your Relationship with Money

Your relationship with Money

With Joan Sotkin



Our relationship with money is complex, and it truly can have a major impact upon our lives.

My guest today, Joan Sotkin, knows this from experience. Joan built a business from zero to over $30,000 per month – but through poor financial management ended up bankrupt.

Joan’s story of her time when she was literally on the street is great. The experience of bankruptcy compelled Joan to study the connection between our emotions and the lives we create for ourselves, including our finances.

Joan’s passion – and her business – is coaching her clients how to implement new ways of being with themselves and their commercial activities.

In the interview Joan says that the starting place to change our financial condition is to bring about internal change.

Joan also talks about how you need to prepare for increased prosperity – from an internal perspective.

Her advice to those in serious debt is worth listening to.

Joan is the author of Build Your Money Muscles: Nine Simple Exercises to Improve Your Relationship with Money.

Joan’s website is www.prosperityplace.com. Her email is joan@prosperityplace.com.

You can also connect with her on:
Facebook: http://facebook.com/sotkin
Twitter: http://twitter.com/joansotkin

If you would like to sharpen your skills as a leader and a manager, then why not take advantage of a free 45 minute session which will give you actions you can take straight away to make you more effective. Then go to www.johnmurphyinternational.com/call to schedule that session.



Thanks to Jodey Smith, my podcasting technical genius, who does all the bits I don’t like – the editing, the uploading etc. He is a gem and can be contacted at JodeySmith.com.

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