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Business Executive Coaching

Podcast #58: Align Your Belief System to Your Goals Says Kim Ades

Align Your Belief System to Your Goals Says Kim Ades


Kim Ades is the Founder of Frame of Mind Coaching, and author of “What You Focus on Grows” and is a fantastic guest to interview.

No surprise then that Kim really talks in detail about developing deliberate thought as her work has demonstrated clearly that what you think about will be manifested in your life. That is not just an opinion but is based on her client work over the last 10 years.

Kim makes journalling a key part of her coaching, as she believes that it helps to get people to observe their own thinking, and when a client is being coached, the journal is shared with their coach so that it can be viewed independently and objectively. A really interesting approach!

Journalling, for Kim, is not a different sort of diary to record events etc but more as a tool to help you create a vision for your life – and then to help you stay on track.

Kim has an interesting view on one’s relationship with money and it is really worth listening to that here.

Focusing on solutions is obvious, and Kim says that we need to exercise those muscles to help us change direction when we need to. This is all about shifting our focus – fundamental to creating the life we want to have.

Referring to the title of the article, Kim believes that it is not just about taking action – we must first align our belief system with our goals. Once they are aligned, then we take the action. If they are not aligned, it is highly unlikely that our goals will be achieved.

Kim delivers great content and I highly recommend you listen to her here.

Her book recommendation is the brilliant “Art of Possibility” by Benjamin Zander. I can endorse that recommendation – it is brilliant!!

You can find Kim at www.frameofmindcoaching.com.

Click HERE to listen to Kim Ades.

Thanks to Jodey Smith, my podcasting technical genius, who does all the bits I don’t
like –the editing, the uploading etc. He is a gem and can be contacted at JodeySmith.com.

Watch out for the next episode!

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