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Business Executive Coaching

How to Get Momentum Into Your Goals

Momentum of Your Goal

Quite often of of the reasons that clients start to work with me as their Executive Coach is that they complain of not getting any momentum into achieving their goals and are suffering huge frustration as a result.

Many attribute their lack of momentum to a shortcoming in their own ability to motivate themselves, and in some cases that may be right. However, I believe that, while motivation is required, it is not the key ingredient.

So, what is momentum?

Well, one definition is “the impetus gained by a moving object” These few words are worth considering. You see, many confuse momentum with speed – “If I do things really fast, then I have momentum” – and this belief is not helpful.

Neither is it helpful to believe that momentum is all about getting started. The last two words of the definition are “moving object” with the emphasis on “moving”.

How do you get momentum into your goals?

You can only get more momentum into your goals if you have already started on the road to achieve them. Remember Newtons First Law of Motion: The tendency of a body in motion is to keep moving, the tendency of a body at rest is to keep still.

So, the first thing is to get going and then consider momentum, not the other way around! But remember another law from Newton:

Momentum will push you in the direction that you have set. Yes, they are my version of Isaac Newton’s words, but you get my drift! Make sure that you are pointed in the direction you want! This is not as daft as it may sound  – during my coaching career I have come across many who set goals for themselves because they thought these were the goals they should have, and not ones they really believed in or had a passion for. So take care about the direction you set your sail to!

How do you maintain momentum?

No rocket science, but that does not make it easy! Do the following and you are well on your way to building and maintaining momentum.

1.  Schedule consistent time in your diary to work on your goal.

Don’t leave this until you have some “free” time in our diary because it will never happen. It is all about consistency – which is a key component of momentum.

2.  Do something every day.

I am deadly serious. Frequency of execution is much more important than quantity. Even if you spend 30 minutes! As the Nike ad says – Just Do It!.

3.  Don’t get scared

If you have ever tried downhill skiing you know that the scariest thing of  all is when you start to build up some speed, and you start to go faster and faster. This is paradoxical, as going down faster is exactly what you wanted in the first place!

The same is true when we get momentum into our goals – we can fear the reality of their achievement.  Hold your nerve!

So, what are your experiences at getting momentum into your goals? What have been your stumbling blocks? What has held you back? Leave your comments here.

Alternatively, if you want some hints and tips about your specific challenge, just get in touch by clicking here and we will arrange to chat and I will provide you with help tailored to your needs.

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