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Business Executive Coaching

Your “why” is Important to Your People



Last week’s post “Why you do what you do” got a most amazing response. It clearly hit a nerve with so many of you who commented directly to me and through social media.

The comments ranged from those of you who really wanted to share their why with me, others of you who had lost sight of your why and the article gave you the nudge to do something about it, and many who complained that the companies you work for either had no clear why, or was certainly never communicated to you.

Sadly, over half of the comments were from those lamenting where their own organizations, or organizations that they once respected, had no real sense of their why.

This really made me realize how we all hunger and need to have a clear why articulated to us so that we can feel engaged, and the negative impact it has on an organization of any size where it is not clear, or does not exist.

The primary effects to my mind are:

There are others but suffice to say that any business that suffers from any, all or a combination of the above is in real trouble!

The other element of the negative impact of the absence of why is on your clients. Now, there are some businesses where this matters less than others, but most certainly if you are in a service industry your why is critical.

We all want to do business with organizations where we believe there is a “fit” between our cultures, and having your why in sync is a fundamental element of that “fit”. Sometimes it can be hard to explain in exact words, and that is because your why is not a left brained exercise – it comes from within.

We also want to do business with companies where we know what they stand for, so that we can be confident that our values are aligned. What is the source of these values? Yes, the why!

So being clear on our why is just not something that is important to you to motivate you to jump out of the bed and hit the day running with a high sense of motivation and drive.

It is also fundamental to the people you work with – your staff and your clients. If you work for a business that has not got a clear why, then why not ask? Could be an interesting discussion.

Check with your people – do they know your why? If they don’t what are you going to do about it?

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