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Business Executive Coaching

Success is Simple

I was reminded recently of the great quote from the American author, Arnold Glasow, who said: “Success is simple. Do what’s right, the right way, at the right time.” 

So straightforward, isn’t it? So, why do we make it so complicated? I believe that we make it that complicated due to lack of singularity of focus.

Let me explain what I mean. From my experience of working with executives – and, in truth , this applies to different countries, cultures, background and gender – there are many who are decidedly unclear about what they are trying to achieve. Here I am talking mainly about their professional lives.

When I say “unclear” what I mean is that their answers tend to be somewhat vague and uncertain. There is a decided lack of sharpness and specificity.

For executives in companies, it can be about “moving up the ladder”, “becoming a board member”.

For some business owners it can be “be more profitable”, “grow my business, and such comments.

Nothing wrong with any of those sentiments, except for the fact that they are vague.

And the big problem with vague objectives is that it becomes very challenging to be absolutely certain about what is the most important thing you should be doing now! Which brings me back to Glasow’s quote!

How do I know what is the “right” thing I should be focused on right now if I do not know precisely where I am going?

It reminds me of the old saying: “If you don’t know where you are going, then any road will take you there.”

In order to do “what’s right, the right way, at the right time”, I must be absolutely clear about the “bulls-eye” I am trying to hit!

The bulls-eye on the dartboard is that very small space that delivers the highest score. What is the bulls-eye for your career, your business?

Truthfully, if you cannot answer that, you may find yourself very busy – but unlikely on the way to hitting “the” target.

So, what is The One Thing, as Gary Keller calls it in his book of the same, that you are endeavoring to achieve?

Once you know that, then, and only then, can you be certain that you are doing the “right thing”.

What is your one thing? Come on, I would love to hear it – click here and tell me!

If you are struggling, then reach out and set up a no charge call to get you started. Click the calendar icon below for my scheduler and find a time that works.

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