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Business Executive Coaching

I Need a Daily Routine to Keep Me on Track

on track to achieve your goals

achieve your goals

Just what we all want!  Give me a few pointers that will help me to keep my daily routine on track and the holy grail of success will be mine!

How I just wish it were that easy. Let’s be honest we all struggle in this space. There re just so many things to distract us – our email, Facebook, Twitter, our kids, our partner, ourselves, and that list is just for starters!

But, I hate to break this to you – you cannot organize your day in splendid isolation to everything else.

What?? I hear you say.

Do you seriously mean that in order to have a daily routine that will keep me on track, I need to have a broader focus than just the day? Sorry, yes!

Those of you who have been following my musings will know that I am a stickler about goals. So, the starting point is to have your annual goals, then have your monthly milestones and then your detailed planning (yes, I am coming to your daily routine!) kicks in on a weekly basis.

So, now you have the actions you are going to take this week to progress your annual objectives.

The key to getting these done is to set them in your planner as appointments with yourself (just like an appointment with your best client!). You now have the backbone of your week planned.

Now, you come to the day – do this either first thing in the morning, or the evening before (evening is my preference as I want to go to bed knowing tomorrow is sorted).

You look at the appointments in your planner – those with others and those with yourself. You then list out all the other things you have to do today, and prioritize them. Put the top 3 into time slots available.

“What about email?” I hear you say. Yes, the devil incarnate!. Allocate 30 minutes in the morning and again in the afternoon to deal with email – then SHUT IT DOWN! Do not, I repeat, do not, go backwards and forwards on it – you will lose your day doing that.

Next identify who you need to contact today and who you are expecting to get something from today. In your 30 minute slot for email, send emails to those you need to connect with and, if you have not got something from those you are waiting on something for, then send them an email.

Now start your day – and kick it off with getting one of your top priorities done, as this will give you momentum

One last point – all the planning is a waste of time if YOU don’t stick to it

What do you find keeps you on track? Would love to hear your comments below. Also, if you want more helpful hints and strategies, enter your email below and you will get our weekly newsletter that will set you up for success.

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