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Business Executive Coaching

Podcast #111: The Future of Remote Workers


Today we are going to dive into the future of remote workers with Nathan Hirsch. Nathan is the co-founder CEO of Freeeup.com. Nathan went from being a broke college student to owning two businesses. That’s pretty awesome if I do so myself!

On this episode, learn how Nathan got where he is today and the great opportunities available with Freeeup.com. FreeeUp connects hundreds of online business owners with reliable and pre-vetted remote workers. More and more companies are looking to hire remote workers and FreeeUp helps you do just that.

Both of Nathan’s parents were teachers. He always had the mentality growing up that he would get a job and retirement plan and that would be his life. After jumping into the typical 9 to 5 life, he quickly realized he spent most of his time watching the clock and hated his job. It became apparent to him that the CEOs he worked under had more freedom than he did and he wanted that.

Nathan actually majored in entrepreneurship in college. He claims he was just a wannabe though and didn’t know what he wanted to do. He just wanted to learn and try different things.

When he was in college, he got sick of textbook store ripping him off. He felt he could do better so he started his own bookstore. He would take people’s books that they sold to him and sell them to online distributors. He dreamed of owning a big Amazon store at that time.

In this episode hear more from Nathan on these topics:

He continued to try to sell different things. It seemed that everything he tried seemed to fail except for selling used stuff. Then he came across baby products and became really good at selling them. He was running a multimillion-dollar baby company in his twenties.

He claims he had to hire my first employee before he could legally drink. As he grew the business, he graduated and opened up an office.  He soon realized it would be more profitable to close the office and hire remote workers and he did just that.

As he was running the business, he realized he was spending more time on HR then spending time on the stuff he enjoyed. He wanted to create a faster way to hire, rather than consulting job boards. This is how FreeeUp came up. FreeeUp has established a good process that makes remote workers available to those hiring quickly.

FreeeUp works with you to figure out what you need and provide just that. Maybe you have had a bad hiring experience in the past, FreeeUp works with you to avoid a similar experience in the future.

You simply create a free account, request a worker, answer 10 simple questions and within one business day, you get one to three options. You can hire them or choose to pass. You have the option to provide feedback, if you choose to pass, and then more options are provided to you. All payments are processed through FreeeUp so you don’t have to deal with direct payments.

You can check out FreeeUp at FreeeUp.com. You can sign up for free. If you mention this podcast, you will receive a $25 credit towards their services. You can also book a meeting with Nathan, explore the FreeeUp blog or check out the mastermind group.

Please visit and like their Facebook page – https://www.facebook.com/FreeeUpMarketplace


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Thanks to Jodey Smith, my podcasting technical genius, who does all the bits I don’t
like –the editing, the uploading etc. He is a gem and can be contacted at JodeySmith.com.

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