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Business Executive Coaching

Podcast #131: Equipping and Building Powerful Teams

Valerio Pascotto


Today’s guest in the Winning Teams Podcast is a real joy to have here. He is Valerio Pascotto, Psy. D, one of the co-founders of IGEOS, together with Tim Gallwey (author of Inner Games). He’s also an official member of the Forbes Coaches Council and has been involved at the highest level of coaching individuals and teams. 

Valerio got a doctoral degree in psychology from Pepperdine University, has an extensive background in marriage, family and child counseling. He was always fascinated with human dynamics because he was, according to himself, poor at them early on in his life.

“I have to say, though, that my heart is much more into working with people making a difference, helping people be proud of the difference that they are making with their work and in their lives.” – Valerio Pascotto

Valerio started working and interacting with people and noticing when interactions have positive or negative impacts. 

In this episode, Valerio shares with us a lot of fascinating and useful topics:

“The weakness of most team building interventions is that they do not cut deeply enough to the core of what keeps intelligent people from effective cooperation” – Valerio Pascotto

“Should we be accurate in our perception? Or should we frame our perception and in a way that increases our chances to meet our goals, our commitments?” – Valerio Pascotto

Book Recommendation, Habits and Where to Get in Touch:


Valerio recommends The Fearless Organization by Amy Edmondson. He had the privilege to interview her and this book explores this culture of psychological safety where people have a voice.

The brain has a negativity bias so Valerio has a ritual that he uses when he talks with someone and he knows that the conversation is difficult. He spends 30 seconds thinking of something he appreciates about the person and it changes his brain chemistry.

Valerio is fairly judgmental and avoids it by rather than fighting the judgment, he makes it a benevolent one. In other words, he looks for the good in intention.

You can reach Valerio any time through sending him an email at vp@igeos.net. He also has quite a presence on LinkedIn so send him an invite to connect. You can also visit their website, https://www.igeos.net.


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Thanks to Jodey Smith, my podcasting technical genius, who does all the bits I don’t
like –the editing, the uploading etc. He is a gem and can be contacted at JodeySmith.com.

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