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Business Executive Coaching

Podcast#01: Why I Started Podcasting



What you have here is the very first podcast that I have produced in the series – Winning at Business and Life. I really wanted to get into podcasting as another means of communicating with my audience. I recognize that we all have different ways of taking in information – some reading, some watching and some listening, and none of us, as far as I know, fall neatly into one way or another.

I know that I like doing all of them – depends on my mood and my circumstances. I read my books – on Kindle or otherwise – a lot when I am travelling and I love listening to podcasts or recordings while walking, driving or indeed on flights.

I have been writing on my blog now for quite some time, so I wanted to add another dimension to sharing my thoughts, tips and strategies.

On this first podcast I share with you:

So this will be the first of many and I look forward to being a real resource to all of you.

If you would like to sharpen your skills as a leader and a manager, then why not take advantage of a free 45 minute session which will give you actions you can take straight away to make you more effective. Then go to www.johnmurphyinternational.com/call to schedule that session.

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