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Business Executive Coaching

Podcast #107: Why You Need A Culture of Coaching

Why You Need A Culture of Coaching


Today’s Guest on the Winning Teams Podcast is Patrick Griffin, one of the founders of Clarke Griffin Associates based in Ireland.  Clarke Griffin Associates specializes in helping organisations to get their people thinking and behaving as more capable, adaptive and effective leaders.

Patrick has over 25 years’ experiences as a Sales and Commercial Manager having worked for both the Kerry Group and Coca-Cola. His extensive knowledge and practical experience in business situations, especially in leadership, management and people development means he is ideally placed to understand the challenges that both companies and individuals face in today’s changing environment.

Patrick has a real passion for creating a coaching culture within an organisation. The number one objection from Managers is that they don’t have the time to coach their own team, which is very different to having an executive coach come in for a two hour session, however he really wants to encourage managers to make the time to incorporate internal coaching within their department because the benefits are huge.  Some of the benefits include;

·        Greater focus on what matters

·        Increase resilience

·        Improved relationships

·        Invest time in coaching and you’ll save time in the long term

·        Improves performance and productivity

·        Helps drive change

·        Keeps people more motivated and engaged

So, if the benefits are so profound, why do more managers not do it?  Well, its Patricks’ belief that most people believe that they don’t have time, and he encourages people to not consider it as an add-on to your workload, but instead think of it as something you should incorporate it into your daily routine, adapting a coaching leadership style.

Another challenge some organisations face is there is not a coaching culture in the company and it can be a challenge to coach managers if they have not been coached by their own leaders, so we talk to senior managers and leaders within the organisation and show them how then can move away from the old mind-set to create a coaching culture.

Shifting to a coaching culture:

  1. Needs to start at the top (managers to adopt leadership management style)
  2. Take more time to help others come up with solutions instead of always giving the answer
  3. Accountability and benchmarking is important
  4. Manage the underperformers effective (intervene early)

How do Managers go about running a coaching session?  It goes back to using a questioning style in conversations, looking for opportunities, asking why that did not go well, look for the learning opportunities everywhere.  A typical structure we would use is the “instant pay off model”, a model that people can use quickly and easily and is generally used in performance management.

The “GROW” model is probably the most popular model out there, the starting point is the “Goal”, helping someone clarify exactly what the goal is, then the “Reality” of the situation (what’s going on at the moment), then the “Options”, what are the options available, get the coachee to come up with as many options as possible, and finally “Way forward” what are the next steps, create an action plan from this.

The “Instant pay off model”, is great on the shop floor and gives people a structure to deal with issues:

One book that had a significant impact on Patrick’s life is the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey, and another book that he finds truly amazing is the Emotional Intelligence by Dennis Goldman.

Patrick has made it a habit to smile as he wakes up that put him in a positive mood and sets a positive mindset for the day.

If you want to find out more information about Patrick and his programs, you can connect with him on http://clarkegriffinassociates.com

Click HERE to listen.

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Thanks to Jodey Smith, my podcasting technical genius, who does all the bits I don’t
like –the editing, the uploading etc. He is a gem and can be contacted at JodeySmith.com.

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