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Business Executive Coaching

Podcast #115: Leverage Innate Talents of Millennials

Amanda Hammett


Today’s guest is Amanda Hammett. Amanda Hammett is an entrepreneur who has started and ran multiple multimillion dollar businesses by the age of 26. She works with companies to help leverage and optimize millennial talent. Specifically, she helps companies develop strategies to attract, retain and engage that top millennial talent, which is a challenge for many companies.

Amanda is otherwise known as the Millennial Translator. Along with her husband, Gene Hammett, she started two international business that grew to multimillion-dollar endeavors. Unfortunately, they lost it all. They had to pick up the pieces. Amanda began speaking to high school and university students about her experience and the process of having it all and losing it all.

Related: Activating HyperGrowth in your Business with Gene Hammett

In this episode of The Series of Winning Teams Podcast, we discuss the path Amanda took to get to where she is now, her expertise on millennials and how she helps companies attract, engage and retain millennials.

In this episode hear more from Amanda on these topics:

Amanda recommends offering continuous learning for new challenges for these millennials.

It doesn’t have to be expensive, just something that is a little bit outside their comfort zone. Millennials have always been treated as individuals so they have grown up believing that. In the workforce, they still want to be seen as an individual, instead of a cog in a wheel. They want to know on an individual basis that what they are doing is impacting the greater good and the company as a whole.

Two big areas that Amanda tends to see that have the greatest room for improvement are the recruitment process and leadership process or “point”.

The leadership point means developing those frontline leaders, the ones who interact directly with millennial employees.

In this episode, Amanda shares the book that has had the greatest impact on her. The book she loves is called Mastery: The Keys to Success and Long-Term Fulfillment. It’s an easy read that came out in the early 90s.

Amanda’s daily rituals consist of waking up at 5 am every morning. She then does a short meditation and thinks about all the things she is grateful for in her life. Next, she works out and does an outdoor boot camp where she sweats it out every day.

You can find Amanda at amandahammett.com or check out interviews she has done with millennial rock stars on her podcast called Millennial Rock Stars.

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Thanks to Jodey Smith, my podcasting technical genius, who does all the bits I don’t
like –the editing, the uploading etc. He is a gem and can be contacted at JodeySmith.com.

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