#leftcontainerBox { float:left; position: fixed; top: 60%; left: 70px; } #leftcontainerBox .buttons { float:left; clear:both; margin:4px 4px 4px 4px; padding-bottom:2px; } #bottomcontainerBox { height: 30px; width:50%; padding-top:1px; } #bottomcontainerBox .buttons { float:left; height: 30px; margin:4px 4px 4px 4px; } lang="en-US"> Podcast #39: How to Build Your Online Presence and Generate Leads – the Right Way!
Business Executive Coaching

Podcast #39: How to Build Your Online Presence and Generate Leads – the Right Way!

How to Build Your Online Presence and Generate Leads – the Right Way


For every business today, one of the major challenges is how to build your presence online. Then once you have done that, how are you going to use that platform to generate leads?

Today’s guest on the Winning at Business and Life podcast, Josh Denning, has mastered those challenges and has helped numerous businesses to create that platform and also to have a continuous flow of leads.

Josh hails from Australia – the accent is a definite giveaway! – and is now based in Bangkok from where he runs his business and serves his clients.

His main area of focus is on Search Engine Optimisation which is really all about helping you to get found in that busy, online world.

Josh talks through how he works with clients, depending on whether their needs are for instant leads, or are prepared to build up to that organically – he has a solution for both!

He talks about the “2 second rule” that needs to be addressed – where you only have 2 seconds to grab the attention of someone who lands on your site, and get them to stay!

Josh also speaks about a new concept to me, which is TOFU, MOFU and BOFU. Translating that it means Top of Funnel, Middle of Funnel and Bottom of Funnel – and how one can move leads from one to the other, resulting in becoming a client.

It is a great concept and well worth listening to.

If building a platform and generating leads is a key strategy, then this will be a treasure trove of ideals.

I am delighted that Josh agreed to this interview as I know how valuable it will be to many in the community.

You can find out more about Josh at smartroi.com.au, authorityfactory.net or tropicalentrepreneur.com

You can also contact Josh at mjosh@smartroi.com.au and on:


Listen to the interview HERE.

If  you  want to take your leadership to another level,  then how about a complimentary 45-minute Leadership Debrief session with me? During this  session  you  will  get  tips  and  Strategies  you  can  implement immediately  that  will  raise  your  game.

To set up that session, go to /call.

Talk soon!

 Thanks to Jodey Smith, my podcasting technical genius, who does all the bits I don’t like – the editing, the uploading etc. He is a gem and can be contacted at JodeySmith.com.

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