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Business Executive Coaching

Podcast #54: Create and Sell Your Online Course with Thinkific



Greg Smith is the co founder, along with his brother, of Thinkific, an online education company set up in Vancouver in 2012. Greg, and his people at www.thinkific.com, will help you create, market and then sell your online course.

The beauty of Thinkific is that when prospects see your course, they only see your branding. You are simply using the Thinkific platform but building your own brand.

Greg’s vision to be the “all in one” platform to create, promote and deliver your programs – as well as to ensure that you keep control of your customers, and the progress they make studying the course.

Obviously success follows a really good course, but Greg highlights the importance of first ensuring real clarity about your target market – the greater the clarity you have about your avatar, the better.

Once you have that clarity then you can promote to that specific market through a variety of means. Greg has seen some of his customers make great progress through webinars and very focused LinkedIn groups.

Thinkific can really make this work even if you have little or no email list, or a strong platform. They will help you get started and then the analytics kick in to give you instant feedback that allows you make adjustments as you go.

What really amazed me was the pricing! It is so within reach of anyone! There is a free version to get you going, but the paid version kicks in at a low $39 per month! Even Greg admitted it was cheap – so go there now before it changes!!

To find out more, and I encourage you to do so, then go to www.thinkific.com.

The very interesting book that Greg recommends is “How to Create a Mind” by Ray Kurzweil – sounds fascinating and will be on my list to purchase!

Thanks, Greg, for a great interview on the Winning at Business and Life show.

Click HERE to listen to Greg Smith.

Free Strategy Call for High Performing Leaders

Becoming a high performance leader is critical to your success. Successful leaders have teams that over-deliver on their objectives and become stars in their organisation. High performing leaders build careers that take them to the top!  Due to time constraints, I only offer 2 free 45 minute sessions each week. These sessions will give you tips and strategies you can put into action straight away to become that high performing leader.

Go to www.johnmurphyinternational.com/call to schedule that session.

Speak soon!

Thanks to Jodey Smith, my podcasting technical genius, who does all the bits I don’t
like –the editing, the uploading etc. He is a gem and can be contacted at JodeySmith.com.

Watch out for the next episode!

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