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Business Executive Coaching

Dancing with Disruption with Jeff Skipper | Episode #128

Every organization it seems is facing enormous change right now and today’s guest is an expert. An international expert in leading and accelerating change, Jeff Skipper guides leaders to plan and implement successful initiatives. His recent book Dancing with Disruption: Leading Dramatic Change During Global Transformation outlines his 12 steps to successful change and can literally be used as a checklist.

In our conversation today, Jeff dives into the role of the leader in these times of change. We know that the leader needs to organize and implement, but Jeff proves that the leader is much more impactful when they show up as a coach, motivator, and an inspiration. He has an interesting take on not just starting well, but finishing well, too.


What We Talked About in This Episode:

About Our Guest:

An expert in accelerating change, Jeff guides corporate leaders to plan and implement successful change initiatives. Based in Canada, Jeff is an international change leadership consultant, speaker, and author of Dancing with Disruption: Leading Dramatic Change during Global Transformation. He works with organizations in energy, finance, technology, and other industries to develop the strategy that precedes effective change. Clients, such as Bayer, BP, and The Salvation Army, have engaged him to achieve dramatic results during strategic transformation. Backed by deep expertise in leading change, Jeff guides leaders to develop effective change plans based on the twelve proven strategies he presents in his book. This empowers leaders to reach their goals faster with greater buy-in throughout the entire organization. 

For more than twenty-five years, beginning with a twelve-year career at IBM, Jeff has guided change projects by focusing on the people’s side of change. He holds a master’s degree in organizational psychology and is a Certified Change Management Professional. As CEO of a transformation services company, he grew it to seven figures in just five years.

         Connect with Jeff Skipper:

          Connect with John Murphy:

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