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Business Executive Coaching

Creating Highly Effective Leadership Teams with Dan Norenberg | Episode # 46

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By coining the word “ownershift,” today’s guest has a deep understanding of how to create highly effective leadership teams in any organization. But what does “ownershift” mean and how can it impact us as leaders? I’m thrilled to have today’s guest, Dan Norenberg, on A Life and a Living Podcast today.

Originally from the United States, Dan shares his move to Europe and his journey into the business world where he wound up as a consultant, passionate about helping companies thrive. Dan is a lead expert on the topic and is the author of a fantastic book called Executive Ownershift. In today’s episode we learn about leadership teams, the importance of getting the team culture right, and how we can understand what it takes to make a successful team. And in the end, how can you assess the effectiveness of leadership?

This episode will certainly change your mindset on how to take ownership and create a culture of “ownershift” in your teams.

What We Talked About in This Episode:

About Our Guest:

Dan Norenberg improves leadership performance and organization results through Executive Ownershift®, his transformational growth process for executive teams. As a trusted advisor, consultant and professional speaker, Dan’s mission is to enable executive teams and their organizations to play at their best.

To reach Dan, go to his website: https://www.dannorenberg.com/ 

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A Life and A Living Podcast

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