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Business Executive Coaching

Why Mornings Are So Important to Successful People

habits of successful people

successful people

The fact that there are 24 hours in the day does not mean that all those hours are equal in terms of their potential to positively impact our success.

Is it coincidence that when we read of the habits of successful people they all, at least in my experience, hold sacred those early hours in the day.

I cannot recall any of them saying that their most productive time was between 11pm and midnight!

From gurus, like Tony Robbins, to Starbucks CEO, Howard Schultz, they all get at their day early – either with a workout, meditating or tackling a difficult task.

I have always been a great believer in modeling the habits of successful people and the early start is a good example of modeling. If it works for them, then it is surely worth me trying it?

The author,Laura Vanderkam, wrote in one of her books that to “Seize your mornings is the equivalent of that sound financial advice to pay yourself before you pay your bills” and I really go with that philosophy.

Leaving all the really important things to the end of the day is a recipe for never getting things done at all.

Can you honestly say that your best contribution to your client will be delivered late in the evening? I don’t think so!

“But”, I hear you cry, “I’m a night owl, so this wont work for me!” Well, my friend, you are most likely a night owl because that is the habit you have developed.

So, my blunt and honest response to you is – change your habit! You developed it, so now develop a new one – it is your decision!

If mornings are so important to really successful people, then I would prefer to model their habits.

Try it out and share your experiences here – would love to hear what you think.

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