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Business Executive Coaching

7 Bad Habits to be Avoided

Bad Habits

bad habits

Okay. So we are now half way through January – how are the new year resolutions going?

Did you find the first few days easy? But now? Getting a bit tougher? Well, of course it is!

You see the adrenalin rush that you get from setting new goals and resolutions for yourself gives you the momentum to carry you through the initial phase.

But now it is getting a bit tougher isn’t it? You think it is just you? Well, it isn’t – we are all the same.

You see what you are doing is breaking old bad habits and creating new ones – and that is not easy!

Those bad habits – in your personal and professional life – are deeply ingrained and are not going to go away just because you want them to. It will take discipline and perseverance.

Whether you are a leader, a manager, senior executive, or stay at home Mom or Dad, it makes no difference – bad habits will always get in the way of achieving your goals and resolutions.

So, take on board these 7 habits you must eliminate – there are others but just get on top of these for the moment!

  1. Making excuses – just stop, and get on with it!
  2. Multi-tasking – this (that is multi tasking!) has been lauded as something wonderful by others, but it is to be avoided at all costs. It just distracts you and you get nothing done as well as you can.
  3. Unclean desk – if your desk is messy, you are inefficient, so stop justifying it under the guise of “I know where everything is” It’s all a mess!
  4. Not exercising – when you get busy, this is one of the first things to go, but this is the same as No 1, it’s an excuse. Exercise helps you to get more done, not less!
  5. Checking email – an absolute killer! Schedule two occasions in the day to check your email, no more. Otherwise you are a slave to everyone else’s agenda!
  6. Being dictated to by your smartphone – it is a tool to make you more efficient, not the other way around! Don’t jump every time it beeps, rings or vibrates!
  7. Stop complaining – if you are not happy about a situation, then do something about it! Stop whining about it – it sounds pathetic!

What would be in your magnificent 7 bad habits? Share them with us.

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