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Business Executive Coaching

Critical Teams

Vital Teams

How is your team performing under pressure? Especially given Covid-19 and Remote Working.

Click on the video to see how one global team increased in capacity to perform under pressure (2.44 mins).

Got the Performance You Need?

Bringing a group of individual high performers together should be enough to create a high performing team, yet data shows most executive teams operating at 40% to 70% of their full performance potential.

Transforming individual high performance into team performance isn’t easy. However, get it right and the payback can be up to 10 times that of efforts aimed at boosting individual performance.

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What Is Holding Back Your Team?

Our analytics will calculate the % of your team’s full potential being exploited and identify any obstacles or risks to its performance. Called Performance Losses, these can be converted into gains of 7-25%.

Every team is different, hence the importance of a fact-based analysis. We have built the world’s biggest database of performance losses and the analytics to reveal them in any corporate performance environment.

How to Engage Your Team in Un-locking It’s Potential?

Armed with data, your team will progressively pitstop its performance over 12 or 24 weeks. It will tackle priority Performance Losses capable of delivering an additional 7-25% (tracked by data).

Through the process of pit-stopping, your leaders will embed a more agile & innovative way of working, centered on the effective mid-race adjustment of its key projects and priorities.

Want to pitstop
your key projects & strategic priorities?

Contact Us
Here are some of the words used to describe the pitstop:

Did you know that our industry-leading analytics platform, called Pitstop Analytics, measures all of these things:

John Murphy
Email Us

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