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Business Executive Coaching

This Will Make You More Productive – and It’s Free!

getting more productive

more productive

As you know, giving you tips and strategies to make you more productive is one of the key ambitions of this blog.

Well, this tip is about a piece of software that I have been using for quite some time, and I find it absolutely fantastic and could not be without it now!

I would never recommend something that I have not tried out myself, and I can honestly promise you that this will make you so much more productive and reduce your stress levels too!

It’s called Evernote – and it is free, so just go here to download!

So, what is Evernote? It is a cloud based organizational and note taking tool – and it’s free. But that does not really explain it at all!

But why am I such a raving fan about Evernote? Well, I could go on for ages but the key elements of Evernote that make such a difference to my life include the following:

Evernote does much more than this, but these are some of the key uses I have for it, and, as I said, I find it invaluable.

To get more productive you need a system that keeps everything in one place and Evernote does just that.

To get the most out of it, I highly recommend you make a small investment, only $29 in an online book, that will really help you get the most out of the system – and they guarantee to send you updates as they make changes to the system. It’s called Evernote Essentials and it can be purchased from Brett Kelly HERE. You will not spend $29 more wisely. I did not come across it for about 6 months after I started using Evernote, and it would have saved me a lot of time and increased my productivity if I had got it when I started. I highly recommend that you get it. Again, it’s called Evernote Essentials and can be accessed here.

Trust me on this – you will become a raving fan of Evernote! Try it and let me know how you get on.

If you are already a user, then share your experiences in the comments section

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