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Business Executive Coaching

7 Tips to Put Your Goals Into Overdrive


Okay, we are now half way through January and perhaps the initial enthusiasm for your goals is diminishing a tad! Or perhaps you are feeling a little overwhelmed – the goals are a bit tougher than you expected?

But, hey! You cannot start to give in now! 2014 will be what you make of it – you alone and nobody else! So, quitting is not an option!

Here are my 7 tips to put your goals in overdrive:

  1. Review your goals daily. Yes, I said “daily”! Every morning, before you get into the day, spend a couple of minutes (you can spare that, can’t you?) to read through your goals and remember why they are important to you. Multiple research has demonstrated that those who keep their goals front of mind have way more chance of success. So, EVERY DAY!
  2. Move at least 1 goal forward every day. This is called incremental progression. You do a little bit every day, and you will get there. The commitment to do this will give you the juice you need to keep going because this alone will keep your goals moving. What is that called? Yes, it’s called PROGRESS!
  3. Take it in 90 day chunks. Determine the precise progress you will make for each goal over the next 90 days. Why 90 days? It is small enough to keep you laser focused and long enough to have made significant progress. So, what will be achieved by end March for each of your goals?
  4. Get a mentor. A mentor will “keep your feet to the fire” as an old coach of mine used to say.  A mentor will keep you on track and make sure the actions you decide are the right ones that will drive you to achieve your goals. A mentor is that honest sounding board that you need. Stops you from second-guessing yourself, and drifting off course. Best investment you will make!
  5. Stay fit. If you are not physically fit you are not mentally fit. Regular exercise – and I don’t mean once a month! – is fundamental to achievement of your goals. Saying you don’t have the time is just an excuse. Not only will you feel better, the quality of your thinking and decision making will vastly improve. Need I say more??
  6. Enrich yourself every day. No, I don’t mean with food! But feed your mind every day with material that will lift your heart and your soul. It can be reading, listening to music, meditating, studying something that will benefit you. You decide! No one else will enrich you – so make a decision to do this for yourself.
  7. Give up complaining and making excuses. It is simply just boring – and you will become the local bore if you continue doing it. If something is wrong, do something about it. If you find yourself  making excuses, you are suffering from self delusion – the problem is you!

So, which one will you choose? If you would like to chat about how to move your goals forward just get in touch with me at john@johnmurphyinternational.com

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